Use our free Fund Raising Donation Letter to help you get started. Simply download the .doc or pdf file and customize it. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.

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Fund Raising Donation Letter





Date: 19.06.2017



#90,Garden Blocks,America.


Subject – _______________________(Mention the purpose)

Respected Robert(Name of the donor)

I am _____ (Your Name) working as a part of the _________ (project name) for the purpose of providing solace to the hapless students who cannot go on with their studies on account of lack of finance to pay for their study materials, school fee, dress, food etc.

For this purpose, our club has formed a fund to help them out of this situation. We hope that as a benevolent soul you will definitely help us in our endeavour towards providing help to the needy and at the same time bright students.

The total cost of the project is nearly Rs _____(mention the amount) which is expected to materialize in a couple of months. Hope you will make generous contribution to it both in cash and kind.

Thanking you.



Name and signature.

Why Fund Raising Donation Letter

  1. Direct Appeal for Support:
    • A Fund Raising Donation Letter provides a direct and personal way to appeal to potential donors, making them aware of the cause and the need for financial support.
  2. Reaches a Broader Audience:
    • This letter can be distributed to a large number of people or organizations, helping to reach a broader audience who may be interested in contributing to the cause.
  3. Establishes Credibility:
    • A well-crafted Fund Raising Donation Letter helps establish the credibility of the organization or cause, building trust with potential donors by clearly outlining the purpose and goals.
  4. Provides Detailed Information:
    • The letter offers a platform to provide detailed information about the project or cause, explaining how the funds will be used and the impact the donation will make.
  5. Encourages Immediate Action:
    • A Fund Raising Donation Letter often includes a call to action, encouraging recipients to donate promptly and support the cause.
  6. Personalizes the Appeal:
    • It allows for a personalized appeal, where the letter can be tailored to address specific potential donors, making the request more compelling and effective.

Importance of Fund Raising Donation Letter

  1. Essential for Non-Profit Success:
    • The Fund Raising Donation Letter is crucial for the success of non-profit organizations, as it helps in securing the necessary funds to continue their operations and achieve their missions.
  2. Builds Donor Relationships:
    • The letter is important for building and maintaining relationships with donors, keeping them informed and engaged with the cause they are supporting.
  3. Ensures Financial Sustainability:
    • A Fund Raising Donation Letter plays a vital role in ensuring the financial sustainability of a project or organization by generating the necessary resources through donations.
  4. Increases Awareness:
    • The importance of a Fund Raising Donation Letter also lies in its ability to raise awareness about the cause, spreading the word to a wider audience who may not be familiar with it.

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