Find the ideal Letter of Appreciation template to honor achievements and express gratitude. Our user-friendly designs ensure your message is both impactful and sincere.

Letter of Appreciation Template

The objective of writing a letter of appreciation is to appreciate the other person for his extraordinary efforts or achievements. By doing so, you will be representing professionalism in your attitude. Your words of appreciation can really prove helpful in increasing the self confidence of the person and he will always be willing to go extra mile for you when needed.

Letter of Appreciation Writing Tips:

  • Firstly it is vital to appreciate the other person with complete sincerity.
  • The wordings of the letter should be such that it should also increase the motivational level of the reader.
  • Tone of the letter should be formal, but it should leave a personal impact in the reader’s mind.
  • Letter should be brief and concise.
  • Once you are through writing the letter, please recheck the same for amendments, if needed.

Letter of Appreciation Template

Use our free Letter of Appreciation to help you get started. Simply download the .doc or pdf file and customize it. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.



Date (Date on which letter is written)




Dear ____________ (Mr./Ms),

I am writing this letter to appreciate you for your wonderful achievement in ______________________ (state the reason). Your efforts have resulted in…………………..(mention the benefit of it to you/the organization). We are all very happy with your performance.

Therefore, they have decided to offer you _____________________ (reward) as we all firmly believe that people like you are an asset wherever they go. I once again, would like to congratulate you for your commendable performance and hope that the same spirit will continue in future also.

Yours truly,


Letter of Appreciation Sample, Email and Example/Format


 To,Mr. Henry Fernandez
Customer Service Manager
Aegis Automotives
AtlantaDate (Date on which letter is written)From,

Edward Simperel
General Manager
Aegis Automotives

Sub: Letter of appreciation

Dear Mr. Fernandez,

I am really feeling proud in writing this appreciation letter for you. Your achievement in increasing the CRM level is commendable. The feedback which we have received from our clients was never so satisfactory in the past, but with your hard work and sincerity towards handling customer queries has increased the customer satisfaction index of our company.

We are really fortunate to have an employee like you who take extra efforts in taking care of our customers.

Therefore as a token of appreciation, I would like to offer you a salary hike by $2000. Employee like you truly deserves this. I, once again would like to extend my appreciation for your commendable performance and hope that the same spirit will continue in future also.

Yours truly,


Edward Simperel

Email Format

Appreciation letters are always formal or professional letters. If a company gets satisfied with the work of their employee then they appreciate him/her by writing this kind of letter. It is a kind of thank you letter but written in professional or formal way. The success or achievement because of which a person is getting appreciation is to be written accurately.

Dear, Ms. Etta

Many congratulations for your success and achievement in our organization. With all your hard work and dedication towards your work you have prove it that you have all capabilities to handle many big projects single handedly. As you know that this was a prestigious and important project for our company to grow in the market.

And you had handled the project on your own; you have not taken any support form your colleagues and seniors. Thus the success of this project entirely belongs to you. Not only our company but the client are also satisfied with your work and they were praising about you and your work.

Hence the company’s has decided to appreciate you by issuing this letter and form now onwards you will the team leader for sales and marketing team.

As you would become the team leader not only your post increases but your salary would also be increased by 25%. Once again many congratulations and hope you will maintain this attitude through out your future projects.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,


Mr. Andrew J. Anthony,
Manager-Sales and Marketing.

Why Letter of Appreciation

  1. Recognizes and Validates Efforts:
    • A Letter of Appreciation is crucial because it formally acknowledges and validates the recipient’s hard work and achievements. It provides a tangible expression of gratitude and recognition for their efforts.
  2. Motivates and Encourages:
    • Writing a Letter of Appreciation helps motivate and encourage individuals to continue performing well. When people receive acknowledgment for their contributions, they are more likely to stay motivated and strive for excellence.
  3. Strengthens Relationships:
    • A Letter of Appreciation helps in strengthening relationships, whether between employers and employees, or among colleagues. It fosters goodwill and builds a positive atmosphere, leading to better collaboration and teamwork.
  4. Enhances Job Satisfaction:
    • Receiving a Letter of Appreciation enhances job satisfaction. It makes individuals feel valued and respected, which contributes to a more satisfying and fulfilling work experience.

Importance Letter of Appreciation

  1. Builds Positive Work Culture:
    • The Letter of Appreciation is important for building a positive work culture. It promotes an environment where achievements are celebrated, leading to increased morale and a supportive workplace.
  2. Encourages Continued Excellence:
    • An important aspect of the Letter of Appreciation is that it encourages continued excellence. When individuals are acknowledged for their outstanding work, they are more likely to maintain high standards and strive for further achievements.
  3. Improves Employee Retention:
    • The Letter of Appreciation plays a role in improving employee retention. Recognizing and appreciating employees’ efforts can reduce turnover rates, as employees are more likely to stay with an organization that values their contributions.
  4. Boosts Organizational Reputation:
    • A Letter of Appreciation contributes to boosting the organizational reputation. It reflects positively on the organization’s culture and values, making it an attractive place for potential talent and enhancing overall brand image.

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