Discover a versatile general application letter template designed to enhance your job applications. Customize easily and make a lasting impression on employers.

General Application Letter Template

Any application letter is formal in nature. It is written for various purposes like applying for a post, seeking information related to bank account, requesting for address change in various departments like electricity, water and telephone.

General Application Letter Writing Tips:

The letter should be started with greeting to the recipient.

2. As the letter is a formal one, the language should be simple, precise and easy to understand.

3. The content of the letter should be straightforward and short. But it should contain all necessary information.

General Application Letter Template

Use our free General Application Letter to help you get started. Simply download the .doc or pdf file and customize it. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.


__________ (employee’s name)

__________ (employee’s address)




______________ (Your name)

______________ (Your address)


Date __________ (date of writing letter)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a savings bank account in your bank for the past______(no. of years) years and my account number is________(give account number). I have a few issues to bring to your notice.

Write down your problem/issue………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

All these years I had a cordial relationship with the bank and I expect to continue in a similar manner in the coming years as well.

Please treat these matters as urgent and instruct your employees to take necessary action at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

_________ (Your name)

General Application Letter Sample, Email and Example/Format



The Bank Manager,

State Bank of India,

Main Branch,



24th September, 2013

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hold a savings account in your bank for the past five years and my account number is 109789678. I want to bring it to your notice a few issues I faced recently with the bank.

I had given change of address application one month ago to the bank authorities. But when I visited the branch yesterday, I found that it is not yet updated in my account details.

I had dropped a cheque which has a value of Rs.10,000/- last week at one of the branches. It is not yet credited to my account.

Till now all these years, I never encountered any problem with the bank and I wish to continue in a similar manner. Issues like these affect customer relationship with the bank.

I request you to instruct your employees regarding these issues and inform me on my email or telephone number which is 9878909877.

Looking forward for a quick response from you,

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Vijay Sharma

Email Format

In general application letter it may be written for many causes. But some format will never change say like in the beginning it should always start with greetings for the reader as well as the family in both the formal as well as the informal letter.

The words used should always be positive and humble. It should end with wishes to prosper more in near future.

Dear Mauricio,

I am writing in reply to the classified ad seeking to fill the position of Graduate Student Advisor for the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree program.

I have been awarded the degree of Master of Arts from state university so I understand the need for academic advisement and program planning in a nontraditional higher education environment. [ad type=”banner”]I have also experienced, first-hand, the comforting effect of being able to contact an adviser who genuinely cares for the success of students.

I believe my educational background in nontraditional post-graduate education and my work related duties of counseling and advising students enrolled in learning programs qualifies me for consideration for the position of Graduate Student Advisor. I look forward to discussing how my skills can be of value as it prepares to move into the new millennium.

Yours Truly,

Chi Freeman.

Why General Application Letter

  1. Introduces the Applicant:
    • A General Application Letter serves as an introduction, allowing you to present yourself to potential employers or organizations, even if no specific job or position is advertised.
  2. Showcases Skills and Qualifications:
    • It provides an opportunity to showcase your skills, qualifications, and experiences that make you a strong candidate for various roles or opportunities.
  3. Expresses Interest:
    • The letter allows you to express interest in working with or being part of an organization, demonstrating your enthusiasm and willingness to contribute.
  4. Provides Flexibility:
    • A General Application Letter is flexible and can be tailored to different roles or industries, making it a useful tool for reaching out to multiple organizations.
  5. Highlights Adaptability:
    • By outlining your diverse skills and experiences, the letter highlights your adaptability and potential to fit various roles within an organization.
  6. Initiates Contact:
    • It initiates contact with potential employers or organizations, even when they have not advertised any positions, creating opportunities for future employment or collaboration.

Importance General Application Letter

  1. Creates Opportunities:
    • The General Application Letter is important because it creates opportunities by allowing you to reach out to potential employers or organizations even when no specific positions are advertised.
  2. Demonstrates Initiative:
    • This letter is important for demonstrating your initiative and proactive approach in seeking out potential job opportunities or collaborations.
  3. Builds Professional Network:
    • By sending a General Application Letter, you can build and expand your professional network, increasing your chances of being considered for future roles.
  4. Provides a Broad Scope:
    • The letter is important because it provides a broad scope for showcasing your abilities and experiences, which can be relevant to a wide range of roles and industries.
  5. Establishes a Personal Connection:
    • It helps establish a personal connection with potential employers or organizations, making your application stand out and creating a positive impression.
  6. Enhances Visibility:
    • The General Application Letter is important for enhancing your visibility in the job market or industry, making it easier for organizations to recognize your potential value.


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