Read the sentence to determine if there is any grammatical error in it. Choose the letter corresponding to the part that contains the error. Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any ? Symptoms of this illness

A. that warrant a doctor visit
B. includes fever,
C. vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as the
D. loss of appetite
E. No error

Answer : B. includes fever,



  • “Includes” is incorrect because it is the singular form of the verb, but the subject, “symptoms,” is plural. The verb should be “include.”
  • The subordinating conjunction “that” introducing the dependent clause, and its plural verb “warrant,” (A) are both correct. “…vomiting, and” (C) is punctuated correctly as the last in a series of three or more words.
  • The singular noun “loss” (D) is correct

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