Answer : Hive generates query expressions at compile
pig interview questions
Answer : Hadoop is an open source software stack that runs on a cluster of machines
Answer : Here,based on the requirement especially how typically your data gets updated, volume and architecture.
Answer : By doing compression at various phases (i.e. on final output, intermediate data),we achieve performance improvement in Hive Queries.
Answer:Pig does not have a dedicated metadata database. Hive makes use of the exact variation of dedicated SQL-DDL language by defining tables beforehand. 14. It supports Avro file format.
Answer:It is used for semi structured data. ,Hive is query engine,HBase is a data storage particularly for unstructured data.
Answer:Apache Pig is a tool for analytics which is used to
analyze data stored in HDFS. Apache Sqoop is a tool to importing structured data from RDBMS to HDFS or exporting data from HDFS to RDBMS.
Answer:Pig is a scripting language,SQL like query language,It is a compiled language
Answer:Pig Hadoop Component is generally
used by Researchers and Programmers. Hive Hadoop Component is mainly used by data analysts.
Answer:Apache Pig is a high-level,Apache Hive is a data warehouse
software project,Open-source software framework
Answer:For readability GROUP is used Cogroup used as a statements
Answer:Pig Latin is not a language but its a language game that all use to speak in code
Answer:User can perform all the data manipulation operations in Hadoop using Apache Pig
Answer:Pig programming language is used for obtaining and manipulating data perhaps doing otherwise with UDFs…..
Answer:The FOREACH operator is used to generate specified data transformations based on the column data.
Answer:In 2006 Pig was developed by Yahoo Research for particular way of creating and executing MapReduce jobs on very large data sets.