Answer : The outline of the database schema typically change by SQL statements they are creating, deleting
Indiabulls Technology Solutions Ltd interview questions and answers
Answer : It does not contains default values, the normal way to handle null values by using the combine function
Answer : The logical group of keys, subkeys, and values in the registry that has a set of supporting files containing backups of its data is called as Hive.
Answer : It stores the metadata for Hive tables,it separates in relational database
Answer : HiveServer – It allows a remote client to submit requests to Hive, using a programming languages, and results.
Answer : Data Hive is a data warehouse software project built on top of Apache Hadoop for providing query, and analysis.
Answer : All nodes are same in Peer-to-Peer
Distributed architecture. Master/Slave. Name Node act as Master and data node act as worker node.
Answer : Prior to Cassandra 1.2, every node was allocate to a particular token range.
Answer : Apache Cassandra is a high-performance provides database to manage large number of data among many commodity servers and then it is highly scalable
Answer : Once you’ve absorbed that the strategy should fit the kind of environment you are placing your cluster in…
Answer : It is a Big Data framework which uses Hadoop Distributed File System to Store the data and MapReduce framework to process that data
Answer : Java makes the write procedure locked into the Java program.
Answer : Cassandra is build to manage big data workloads among multiple nodes with no single point of failure
Answer : All header information variables become static attached to your primary key…
Answer : A primary index is global, although a secondary index is local.