Answer : Pentaho Reporting evaluation is a package of its reporting activities……
Genpact interview questions and answers
Answer : The wizard used to install PDI. PDI software install by wizard…..
Answer : Pentaho is ability for building Advanced Reporting Algorithms despite of their input and output data format.
Answer : Pentaho is effective and creative data integration tools (DI).
Answer : Hadoop is an open source software stack that runs on a cluster of machines
Answer : Partitioning is the optimization technique in Hive which improves the performance significantly.
Answer : Hue has a Web SQL Editor with autocomplete, display of table/data samples, light graphing, query download
Answer : Here,based on the requirement especially how typically your data gets updated, volume and architecture.
Answer : Partitioning data is used for distributing load horizontally, helps to organizing data in a very logical fashion.
Answer : Functionality to write & run multiple queries concurrently for the same user in the same session it used Hive, Impala