Answer : A primary index is global, although a secondary index is local.
CASTING NETWORKS INDIA PVT LIMITED interview questions and answers
Answer : The Group of independent servers (usually in close proximity to one another) interconnected via network to work as one centralized data processing resource…
Answer : Seeds are used to discover the cluster in the start up period…
Answer : Amazon’s dynamo and Prashant malik are written by Avinash Lakshman at first succeed Cassandra at Facebook to capable the Facebook inbox search purpose
Answer : Apache Cassandra is a simple and open-source provides NoSQL DBMS build to handle huge volume of data against more fabric servers
Answer : Inheritance is one of the key features of Object-oriented programming…
Answer : Query(l, r) : find if the sub-string between the indices l and r….
Answer : Find number of digits in the largest number. Let us assume number of digits be n…
Answer : B. It is used to avoid multiple copies of base class in derived class.