• Literals are a notation for representing a fixed value in source code and it can be defined as raw value or data given in variables or constants.

String Literals

  • A string literal can be created by writing a text with a group of characters surrounded by the single (‘), double (“) or triple quotes.
  • We can write multi-line strings or display in the desired way by using triple quotes.

Sample Code

# string literals

# in single quote

s = 'Welcome to Wikitechy'

# in double quotes

t = "Welcome to Wikitechy"

# multi-line String

m = '''Welcome







Numeric Literals

  • They are immutable and it consists of three data types, they are Integer, Float, Complex.
  • In integer both positive and negative numbers including 0 and it should not take any fractional part.
  • Float data type are real numbers having both integer and fractional part.

Sample Code

# integer literal

# Binary Literals

a = 0b10100

# Decimal Literal

b = 30

# Octal Literal

c = 0o320

# Hexadecimal Literal

d = 0x12b

print(a, b, c, d)


Boolean Literals

  • In python there are only two Boolean literals they are true and false.

Sample Code

x = (1 == True)

y = (2 == False)

z = (3 == True)

r = (1 == True)

a = True + 10

b = False + 10

print("x is", x)

print("y is", y)

print("z is", r)

print("a:", a)

print("b:", b)


Literal Collections

  • In this there are four different types of literal collections, they are Lis literals, Tuple literals, Dict literals, Set literals.
  • In list literals the values are stored separated by comma (,) and enclosed within square brackets ([ ]).
  • Tuple literals are enclosed by the parentheses ‘()‘ and each element is separated by the comma(,) and it is immutable.
  • Dictionary literals is enclosed by curly-braces ‘{}‘ and each pair is separated by the commas(,).
  • Set literals is the collection of the unordered data set and enclosed by the {} and each element is separated by the comma (,).

Sample Code

# Tuple literals

even_number = (2, 4, 6, 8)

odd_number = (1, 3, 5, 7)




Special Literals

  • Python contains one special literal where ‘None’ is used to define a null variable.
  • If ‘None’ is compared with anything else other than a ‘None’, it will return false.

Sample Code

# Special literals

water_remain = None



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