Advantages of Python

Improved Productivity

  • Python is a very productive language and they don’t need to spend too much time in understanding the behavior or syntax of the programming language.

Interpreted Language

  • It is an interpreted language which means that Python directly executes the code line by line.

Dynamically Typed

  • Python doesn’t know the type of variable until we run the code and during execution it automatically assigns the data type.

Free and Open-Source

  • Python comes under the OSI approved open-source license then it makes free to distribute and use.
  • We can download the source code, modify it and even distribute your version of Python.

Vast Libraries Support

  • The standard library of Python is huge, we can find almost all the functions needed for our task so, we don’t have to depend on external libraries.


  • To run program in many languages like C/C++, we need to change our code in different platforms.
  • In python we only write once and executes it anywhere.

Disadvantages of Python

Slow Speed

  • Python is an interpreted language and dynamically typed language where the line-by-line execution of code often leads to slow execution.

Not Memory Efficient

  • Python has to do a little tradeoff, to provide simplicity to the developer.
  • This programming language uses a large amount of memory and it can be a disadvantage while building applications when we prefer memory optimization.

Weak in Mobile Computing

  • In server-side programming python is generally is used.
  • Compare to other programming languages it has slow processing power and it is not memory efficient.

Database Access

  • Python is easy and stress-free programming and it lacks behind, when we are interacting with the database.
  • The Python’s database access layer is primitive and underdeveloped in comparison to the popular technologies like JDBCand ODBC.

Runtime Errors

  • The data type of a variable can change at anytime because python is dynamically typed language.
  • In future a variable containing integer number may hold a string which can lead to Runtime Errors.

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