- In PHP magic constants are the predefined constants which is used on the basis of their use.
- Constants are created by various extensions and there are nine magic constants in the PHP and all of the constant resolved at the compile-time, not like the regular constant which is resolved at run time.
- In this there are eight magic constants which start and end with double underscores (__), they are.
- __line__
- __file__
- __dir__
- __function__
- __class__
- __method__
- __namespace__
- __trait__
- This type of magic constant returns the current line number of the file.
- In our program file if we use this magic constant somewhere then this constant will display the line number during compile time.
- This type of magic constant return the full path of the executed file with the name of the file.
- This type of magic constant returns the directory of the executed file.
- This type of magic constant returns the name of the function where it is included.
- This type of magic constant returns the name of the class where it is included.
- This type of magic constant returns the method name where it is included.
This type of magic constant returns the current namespace where it is included.
- This type of magic constant returns the trait name where it is included.