
  • Compare to other languages such as JSP and ASP, PHP script is executed much faster than those scripts which are written.
  • The server workload and loading time is automatically reduced, which results in faster processing better and speed performance, while PHP uses its own memory.

Open Source

  • In the web PHP source code and software are freely available.
  • Without paying any cost, we can develop all the versions of PHP according to our requirement.

Familiarity with syntax

  • PHP programmers are comfortable coding with it and it has easily understandable syntax.


  • Within HTML tags and script tags, PHP code can be easily embedded.

Platform Independent

  • PHP application developed in one OS it can be easily executed in other OS also and it is available for Mac, Windows, Linux and Unix.

Database Support

  • PHP supports all the leading databases such as MySQL, Oracle Database Corporation, SQLite, etc.

Error Reporting

  • At runtime PHP has predefined error reporting constants to generate an error notice or warning.

Loosely Typed Language

  • PHP allows us to use a variable without declaring its datatype and automatically it will be taken at the time of execution based on the type of data it contains on its value.

Web servers Support

  • Local servers like Apache, Netscape, Microsoft IIS, etc. are compatible with PHP.


  • To develop the website PHP is a secure language and it consists ofmultiple layers of security to prevent threads and malicious attacks.


  • In a few lines of code different programming languages require long script or code, whereas PHP can do the same work.

A Helpful PHP Community

  • Learning PHP from the communities is one of the significant benefits and it has a large community of developers who regularly updates tutorials, online help, FAQs and documentation.

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