- The mongo shell does not include functions for importing, exporting, restore or backup.
- MongoDB has created methods for accomplishing this, so that no scripting work or complex GUIs are needed.
- Several utility scripts are used to get data in or out of the database in bulk.
- These utility scripts are used to back up and restore data in MongoDB:
Mongoimport :
- In MongoDB, it provides a special tool that is used to import data.
Syntax :
mongoimport-jsonarray-db database_name-collection collection_name-file file_location
Mongoexport :
- In MongoDB it allows you to export its data into other file formats like JSON or CSV.
mongoexport-db database_name-collection collection_name-outpath_or_name_of_the_file
Mongodump :
- In MongoDB it is used creating a binary export of the contents and export data from either mongod or mongos
Mongorestore :
- This program loads data from either a binary database dump created by mongodump or the standard input into a mongod or mongos instance.