- Java Virtual Machine is one of the specifications that provides a runtime environment in which java bytecode can be executed.
- In Java code, JVM acts like a run-time engine that calls the main method.
- Java Virtual Machine compile java code to be a bytecode which is machine independent and close to the native code.
- Java’s platform independence consists mostly of its Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and JVM acts as a “virtual” machine or processor.
- The JVM performs the following operations like Load code, Verifies code, Executes code.
- Java Virtual Machine is responsible to verify code, load your class files, interpret them and execute them.
- JVM is responsibility to makes that possible for the same class file to run on any other Operating Systems.
- Just In Time compiler and caches your code, usually one method at a time.
- JVM runs the Garbage Collector thread to reclaimed used, without any prompting from the user, unreferenced memory.
- In addition to interpreting bytecodes, the JVM must supply interfaces to the various subsystems managed by the Operating System for mouse, display, keyboard, file system and I/O ports etc.