Hive metastore
- It stores the metadata for Hive tables,it separates in relational database,the client use to access the information from API(Application Programming Interface).
How does hive metastore works ?
- Hive implementations need a metastore, where it stores metadata. It is implemented using tables in a relational database. By default, Hive uses a built-in Derby SQL server.
- When we use hive in a cluster, then MySQL or other similar relational database is required.
- Now when you run your Hive query and the default Derby database, you will find that your current directory now contains a new sub-directory, metastore_db. Also, the metastore will be created it doesn’t already exist.
- By default, the location of the warehouse is file:///user/hive/warehouse and we can also use the hive-site.xml file for the local or remote metastore.
- For changing the configuration we use hive-site.xml to specify Hive where the database is stored.We used a JDBC-compliant database for the metastore because the default database is not suitable for production.