What is fsck ?
- Fsck stands for File System Check. This command is used by HDFS and also used to check inconsistencies and if there is any problem in the file.
- For example, if there are any missing blocks for a file, HDFS gets notified through this command.
- There are two modes used in fsck command interactive and non-interactive.
- Interactive mode prompts the user each time it finds an error to determine whether or not the user wants to fix the error or continue without fixing.
- Non-interactive mode automatically corrects errors without prompting the user.
Command list
- There are different arguments that can be passed with this command to emit different results.
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
path | Start checking from this path. |
move | Move corrupted files to /lost+found |
delete | Delete corrupted files. |
openforwrite | Print out files opened for write. |
files | Print out files being checked. |
blocks | Print out block report. |
locations | Print out locations for every block. |
racks | Print out network topology for data-node locations. |