calloc malloc We need to split and pass the memory we want We can pass how much memory we want. Ex: p=calloc(5,sizeof(int) Ex: p=malloc(5,sizeof(int) Function return void Functions Return void…
Constant A constant is a value or identifier whose value is fixed and does not change, in the entire program. Constant is similar to a variable but it can hold…
We need a dynamic data structure to data efficiently into memory. Memory spaces in a program can be accessed using dynamic memory allocation. This is opposite to static data structure…
C language supports 3 data types: Primary Data Types User Defined Data Types Secondary Data Types Primary Data Types: Integer Float Char Double User Defined Data Types: Structure Union Enum…
Data type is type of the value that a variable can store. Each variable has its own data type and each data type occcupies different size of memory storage. Some…
getc() This function gets single character as input and returns an integer value. If this fails, it returns EOF. Syntax of getc() getchar() The function getchar() reads the character from…
Printf() Puts() Declared in the header file stdio.h Declared in the header file stdio.h Function to print a formatted string to the standard output stream which is the computer screen….
L Value L value or locator value represents an object that occupies some identifiable location in memory. In an assignment operator the l value can appear on right hand side…
Header files store the definitions and rules for different built-in functions in the C program. For example, printf(), scanf() functions are defined in stdio.h header file. A header file is…
Break This statement is used with switch statement. Can also be used with while loop, do – while loop and for loop. When the control encounters a break statement, the…
The most common bugs related to pointer & memory management is called dangling or wild pointers. Sometimes programmer fails to assign the pointer with a valid address, then this type…
A function call is very important in programming. When we need to call a function, it is called inside a program. A function which is being called by the parent…
C language supports 3 data types: Primary Data Types User Defined Data Types Secondary Data Types Primary Data Types Integer Float Char Double User Defined Data Types Structure Union Enum…
Scanf() Scanf() is the most commonly used in C langauage. They are inbuilt functions in the c program which is in the stdio.h(header file). It is an input function in…
While loop evaluates the conditions inside the brackets. If the condition returns true, the statements inside the while loop body will be executed. Condition inside the while loop is executed…
If statement in C is known as a decision-making statement. It makes a decision based on the condition given. It is followed by an optional else statement. The block of…
Recursion is a process that happens when a function calls a copy of itself to work on any smaller problem. Any function that calls itself repeatedly is called a recursive…
Switch statement is an alternative to if else ladder statement which allows us to execute multiple operations for different values. We can define various statement in multiple cases for different…
Static variable have a property of preserving their value even after they are out of their scope. Static variable preserve their previous values in their previous scope and are not…
For storing the address of another variable pointers can be used. Variables of type int,char, array, function or any other pointer can be of type pointer. Architecture of a pointer…