- Data type is type of the value that a variable can store.
- Each variable has its own data type and each data type occcupies different size of memory storage.
Some commonly used data types are:
- char : char is a data type which stores single character. It needs one byte memory.
- Ex: char ch;
- Here char is a data type that stores single character as its value.
- Ch is variable name which stores the value of single character
- Int : integer is a data type that is used to store numerical numbers. It requires four-byte memory.
- Ex:int i;
- Here int is a data type that stores numbers.
- i is variable of type integers.
- Float: is a data type that is used to store decimal numbers with one decimal point. It also requires 4 byte of memory.
- Ex:float f;
- Here float is a data type that stores decimal numbers with one decimal point. F is variable name.
- double: is a data type that is used to store decimal numbers with two decimal point.
- Ex:double d;
- Here double is a data type to store decimal value with two points.
- d is a variable name.