Apache Solr store the actual data
- Apache Solr creates an index of its own and stores it in inverted index format.
- While generating these indexes you can use different tokens and analyzers so that your search becomes easier.
- The purpose of Apache Solr is to search and then the purpose of NoSQL is to use it as WORM (Write Once Read Many).
- In the event you want to create search engine and store in NoSQL then you can create index in search and while indexing you can also write to NoSQL Systems.
- Care needs to be taken to make certain consistency in Apache Solr as well as NoSQL systems.
- There are new tools these days that can transfer from NoSQL to Solr.
- The Apache Solr index is a particularly designed data structure, stored on the file system as a set of index files.
- The index is designed with capable data structures to maximize performance and to minimize resource usage.