List of Latex

  • There are three lists in latex,
    1. Unordered lists
    2. Ordered lists
    3. Nested list

Ordered lists:

  • In the ordered list you just simply replace itemize with enumerated environment.
  • The Ordered list environment is totally different for other lists.


\item The labels consists of sequential numbers.
\item The numbers starts at 1 with each call to the enumerate environment.
  • The ordered lists are generated by a enumerate environment and each entry must be preceded by the control sequence item.
  • It will automatically generate the number labelling the item.
  • The enumerate labels consists of sequential numbers, these numbers starts at 1 with each call to the enumerate environment.

Nested Lists:

  • In LATEX you can insert a list inside another list like nested form. The above list are combined to another one, either mixed or a one type, to a depth of four levels.

Sample Code:

\item One
\item Two
\item Three
\item Four
\item Five
\item Six


Nested Lists

Unordered lists

  • Unordered lists works without any additional packages and use the itemize environment.
  • The label scheme of unordered lists also changes will occur depending on the depth of the nested list.

Sample Code:

\item First Level
\item Second Level
\item Third Level
\item Fourth Level


Unordered lists

Categorized in: