Features of Apache Solr
Advanced Full-Text Search Capabilities:
- Apache Solr contains powerful capabilities such as phrases, wildcards, grouping, joins and much more across several data type.
Optimized for High Volume Traffic:
- It is proven at very large scales throughout the world.
Standards Based Open Interfaces – XML, JSON and HTTP:
- Solr uses the tools that use to make application building a snap.
Comprehensive Administration Interfaces:
- It ships with a built-in, responsive administrative UI to build it simple and to manage the Solr instances.
Ease Monitoring:
- It publishes many of metric information via JMX.
Highly Scalable and Fault Tolerant:
- Built on the battle-tested Apache Zookeeper, It makes ease to scale up and down.
- It bakes in distribution, replication, and rebalancing as well as fault tolerance out of the box.
Flexible and Adaptable with easy configuration:
- Solr’s is planned to adapt your needs as simplifying configuration.
Near Real-Time Indexing:
- Apache Solr takes a benefit of Lucene’s Near Real-Time Indexing capabilities to ensure you to see your content when you would like to notice it