4 [fix]-How to fix UAC please avoid to install XAMPP - wikitechy.com

[fix]-How to fix UAC please avoid to install XAMPP

Wikitechy | 42174 Views | php | 27 May 2016


Because an activated User Account Control (UAC) on your system some functions of XAMPP are possibly restricted. With UAC please avoid to install XAMPP to C:\Program Files (missing write permisssions). Or deactivate UAC with msconfig after this setup


While trying to install xampp software the warning mentioned above appears.

Fix for this issue:

Fix 1:

User Account Control (UAC) is a windows feature that informs the user that an installation requires an administrator-level permission. This feature works on permission level of the windows user account. This warning notification appears when the user tries to install a software under C:\Program Files folder.

Earlier software applications store config files (like .ini) in the same location as the executables. In current Windows installer stores config files with relation to the user account, so that each user can have a set of configs according to the application he installs.

But XAMPP differs from the above concept. Also the fact is that it does not have config files but just has folders to keep projects and databases. All projects of all users reside in the same folder and hence this is the reason for the warning as it conflicts with Windows.

Hence install XAMPP in folder different from C:\Program Files.


Perform the following tasks before XAMPP installation:

1. Ensure that the user account has admin privileges.

  • Start Local Users and Groups list by typing lusrmgr.msc from the Windows Start -> Run command.
  • Click on the Users to view the list of users.
  • Double-click on a specific user account to load its properties. Under Member Of tab, check whether it is a member of Administrators.

2. Disable UAC (User Account Control) feature of Windows because it may even restrict some admin functions to run a web server prerequisite.

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Type UAC in the search field in the upper right corner.
  • Click on the hyperlink for Change User Account Control settings.
  • Drag the slider down to “Never notify” and click OK.
  • Alternative the same can be done by Control Panel -> User Accounts ->  Change User Account Control settings -> Drag the slider down to “Never notify”.


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