6 [Fix]-ORA-12560 Oracle 10g users are expired - wikitechy.com

[Fix]-ORA-12560 Oracle 10g users are expired

Wikitechy | 1356 Views | oracle | 27 May 2016


ORA-12560 Oracle 10g users are expired


There is an Oracle 10g database connected to another Oracle server with client instance. The users a also sqlpus and instance client are faced with ORA-12560 error (Both servers were good but now I have no connection to data!)

Fix for this error:

Fix 1:

Login to database server as the Oracle owner (with Windows, as ORA_DBA), and set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables, then login as:

sqlplus / as sysdba

You can login without a password

Fix 2:

  • Go to Command prompt and set Oracle SID 
  • C:\>set oracle_sid=ORCL 
  • Thn run the Net start command. 
  • C:\>net start oracleserviceORCL


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