The US unemployment rate is quite low. Therefore, the most demanded job types are those that residents are not willing to do. This is usually associated with difficult working conditions and low payment.

In 2022, the list of the most in-demand jobs in the USA includes the following:

  • This is the most popular profession in the country. According to experts’ forecasts, the need for its representatives will grow in 2023. Special education is not required. The average annual income is about $26,000.
  • Fast food workers. They often work part-time, so annual salaries are quite low. Currently, they are about $20,000. For some types of jobs (cleaners, dishwashers, cook’s assistants, etc), a basic knowledge of English is enough, but the working conditions are quite difficult.
  • Most cashiers work in supermarkets or gas stations. It is one of the lowest-paid professions in the country, with an annual income of about $19,700. In the coming years, a significant reduction in the number of vacancies is predicted owing to the spread of self-service systems and online stores.
  • Call center workers. This work is associated with quite high psychological stress, and the salary is relatively small, up to $33,500 per year. Good knowledge of English, clear diction, politeness, and quick response are required.
  • Office workers. Higher education is not required for a clerk, whose duties include sending mail and working with documents. However, the salary is relatively low. Currently, it is up to $30,000 per year. A secretary earns about $34,000.
  • Warehouse workers. Physical strength, attentiveness, and accuracy are required. Vacancies can be found at industrial enterprises and supermarkets. The salary is low and is about $27,400 per year.

The top in-demand professions that require special education include nurses (average annual income of $72,000), elementary school teachers (up to $47,000 per year), and construction workers of various specialties (up to $55,000 per year).

For different states, the lists of actual vacancies may differ significantly. For example, on the East coast, there are many offers for financiers and managers. Fishermen and oil workers will always find work in Alaska. In various cities in California, work in the field of fitness and body care is popular.

The most highly-paid jobs

Medicine workers traditionally occupy the top position in the ranking of the highest-paid professions in the United States:

  • Anesthesiologists/surgeons – $250,000 per year
  • Obstetricians/gynecologists – $225,000
  • Medical therapists – $215,000
  • Pediatricians – $195,000
  • Dentists – 180,000

Owing to elderly population in the United States, qualified physiotherapists, nutritionists, cardiologists, and rehabilitators are in demand (salaryof $64,000–105,000 per year).

Specialists in the financial, legal, and analytical spheres take 2nd place in terms of salaries. A lawyer earns $115,000–150,000 a year. Top managers of large companies and high-ranking bank employees have similar salaries.

Specialists in the IT sphere occupy 3rd place. Programming and development of mobile apps or database administration allow earning an average of up to $110,000 per year.

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